Book an information specialist for a class when students are about to start work on projects
In consultation with the instructor, the information specialist puts together an instructional package that is customized for the project in question. The coverage includes how to conduct information searches in key databases in the respective academic field and how to cite sources according to the standard in question if requested. is the online institutional repository of Icelandic university libraries where electronic copies of final theses of undergraduate and masters students are stored. According to resolutions of the Curriculum Council and Executive Board of RU, all final theses shall be stored in Skemman and it is recommended that they be open unless they contain confidential information.
Turn-it-In is a plagiarism detection software that universities in Iceland have taken into use. The software compares texts with a database that is built into the system and returns a comparison report. Students can make use of the software when working on assignments and receive training in working with sources, preparing references, and citing sources. Instructors can use the software as an aid to detect possible plagiarism.
Citing of sources according to a citation standard
Information specialists have compiled, translated into Icelandic, and localised instructions and example collections for the main citation standards used at RU.