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Sport Science: PhD Students


ORCID is a digital authentication for researchers.

The minimum requirement for an ORCID are all variations of your name and a list of affilitions. 

ORCID connects all possible variations of your name in published research, for instance:

Full main name: Thomas Andrew Smith

Other variations: TA Smith, Thomas A Smith, Tom Smith

 How to apply for an ORCID:

  1. Register on this link to
  2. Check ‚Everyone‘ in the Visibility settings
  3. Activate your ORCID by replying to the confirmation email from ORCID
  4. On your ORCID page add all variations of your name and affiliations

Submission of PhD thesis to IRIS


All theses must have an ISBN. Please email Kristína Benedikz at RU library and request an ISBN for your electronic thesis. If you intend to print out your thesis, you must also ask for a print version ISBN. In the email, include the thesis title, department and the author ORCID

  • Both ISBNs should appear in both versions (electronic and print).
  • The ISBNs should be on the backside of the title page.
  • The author's ORCID should also be on the backside of the title page.  

ISBN 978-9935-9537-1-4 electronic version
ISBN 978-9935-9537-5-3 print version


Submitting electronic versions of the PhD thesis
From 2025, all theses in Reykjavik University must be submitted to the IRIS repository. It is optional for students to give the library a printed copy to be added to the collection. Doctoral theses should be accessible to all following Reykjavik's University Open Access Policy.

From 2016-2024, electronic versions of doctoral theses were preserved in the repository Opin vísindi.

Suppose a doctoral thesis contains journal articles that the publisher does not allow to be accessible in a repository. In that case, students should submit them in a separate file in IRIS and specify the embargo and reason for closed access. Authors are also requested to inform the library when publishers allow access to the articles in IRIS.

If any problems arise regarding submitting to IRIS, please contact the library:

For PhD students

Information on materials in an academic field and searching for sources
The subject librarians possess knowledge of the library's material in all of the academic fields of the University. They can give information on what is available and where it can be found, thus facilitating information searching. Furthermore, they can assist in locating sources, conference publications, reports and more.

Information for working with sources
The information specialists at the library have put together detailed instructions on the main citation styles used at the University: APAIEEE, OSCOLA. They also provide instructions on using reference management programs, especially Zotero, and assist with the plagiarism detection software Turnitin.

We can also:

  • help students create an ORCID
  • help students submit to the repository IRIS
  • design a short introduction to the library according to your needs
  • purchase books for the library according to your recommendations
  • provide articles and books which are not available in the library

Contact the information specialist for your Department and book an appointment.