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Computer science: Book an information specialist

Book an information specialist

The library offers students and groups to book an appointment with a subject librarian/specialist specialising in different study fields. Most appointments will take place at the library but can also be on Teams when requested. The information specialist does not proofread students reference lists. 

In this appointment, students can get help with:

Generally, the appointments are 30 minutes in length or shorter. We recommend students show up prepared with specific questions to make the most of the time.

Book an appointment with the Noona app or use the form below (change the language to English). You can also contact your subject librarian/specialist Harpa Rut via email to book an appointment or any inquiries. You always have the option to have the interview on-site or on Teams.

ATTN. During summertime, online bookings will be closed. Please email your information specialist with any need for help.