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A large ebook colelction for all disciplines Séráskrift HR / RU subscription
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Find articles and other information from the journals, proceedings and standards published by IEEE and by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. See video tutorials on how to use the database. Séráskrift HR / RU subscription Fjaraðgangur / Remote access: VPN veitir aðgang að fjölbreyttu vísinda-, fræðslu- og afþreyingarefni. Vefurinn veitir upplýsingar um bækur, tímarit og greinar, rafbækur, hljóðbækur, tónlist, ljósmyndir, lokaverkefni háskóla, myndefni, vefsíður, fornleifar og muni. Oft er hægt að skoða ljósmyndir og sækja heildartexta. Hægt er að hlaða niður tímaritsgreinum, bókum og skýrslum á eigin lestæki eða tölvu. Auðvelt er að finna bækur og tímarit bókasafna og innskráður notandi getur tekið frá efni eða endurnýjað útlán. provides access to a broad range of scientific, educational and entertainment material. The website provides information on books, journals and articles, e-books, audio books, music, photographs, theses, visual materials, websites, archeological finds and objects. Some of the files are available electronically. Journal articles, books and reports can be downloaded onto personal e-readers or computers. Finding books and journals in the library is easy, and registered users can request material or renew loans.
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ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available, bringing together complete databases across all major subject areas, including Business, Health and Medical, Language and Literature, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, Philosophy, and includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world. Landsaðgangur / Iceland Consortium Fjaraðgangur / Remote access: VPN
A collection of journals and other publications covering life sciences, health sciences, physical sciences and engineering as well as social sciences, humanities and business. Landsaðgangur / Iceland Consortium Fjaraðgangur / Remote access: VPN
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Íslenskar, enskar, danskar, pólskar, þýskar, spænskar, franskar og ítalskar orðabækur. Snara geymir yfir 2 milljónir uppflettiorða í tugum orðabóka og uppflettirita.
Icelandic, English, Danish, Polish, German, Spanish, French and Italian dictionaries. Séráskrift HR / RU subscription Fjaraðgangur / Remote access: VPN eða farið inn á, smellið á Innskráning. Veljið "Innskrá með Microsoft". Skráið ykkur inn með RU email og lykilorði.
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