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A large ebook colelction for all disciplines Séráskrift HR / RU subscription
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Please contact if you experience problems setting up your account. veitir upplýsingar um bækur, tímarit og greinar, rafbækur, hljóðbækur, tónlist, ljósmyndir, lokaverkefni háskóla, myndefni, vefsíður, fornleifar og muni. Oft er hægt að skoða ljósmyndir og sækja heildartexta. Innskráður notandi getur tekið frá efni eða endurnýjað útlán. provides information on books, journals and articles, e-books, audio books, music, photographs, theses, visual materials, websites, archeological finds and objects. A number of items are available fulltext. Signed in users can request material or renew loans.
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Academic Core (International) - A research package of 25+ databases explicitly designed for non-U.S. law schools. Includes: Constitutional Law, Laws of the Sea, Human Rights, Women's Studies, Criminal Law, International Trade Education, And much more!
The World Advertising Research Center (WARC) provides articles on advertising, marketing, brands and campaigns. It includes case studies, marketing intelligence, best practice guides, consumer insights, industry trends, news, data and forecasts, trends in TV viewing, newspapers and other media, economic and demographic data, profiles of major brands and more.